Friday, December 14, 2007

Russian Senior & Tiny Baby :)

I had the pleasure of photographing a beautiful Russian Senior. Anastasia has been over in America for 4 years now, and speaks English very well. :) I enjoyed getting to know her better.

Then last night - I did a young family & their tiny sweet baby. Meet - Ashlynn.. 2 weeks old.

That's it for right now. Thanks for looking! I always appreciate when you let me know you have looked at my blog. lol!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Danella. You have amazing talent in photography! I've thought of you guys a lot since you moved away from Iowa. I thought of trying to contact you, just to stay in touch and see how you're doing, but I thought, "well shoot, I don't know them all that well anyway" and sorta left it at that. Tonight you were on my mind again for some reason... so I googled you, I confess. :) I do that a lot. Couldn't live without google, that's for darn sure. Anyway.. I have a blog as well, if you ever have time or feel like checking it out, it's I'd love to get to know you better and stay in touch. I know we went to school together all those years ago, but I think we're hardly the same people anymore, and so much water has gone under the bridge. :) Blessings to you and Jerrell and your sweet family- hope to hear from you soon. Love, Jasmine (Miller) Swantz, from Kalona.

Oh... and I'm really sorry to use your work blog for something like this, but didn't know how else to do it. :)

Anonymous said...

Jasmine! Thank you so much for contacting me. :) I don't mind the googles... get them all the time. lol! I went to your blog.. and you're REALLY talented in writing. I had no idea!
Please email me at I couldn't post a message without joining xanga.. and I'm members of soo many things right now. :(


`Tis just little ol' me

`Tis just little ol' me

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Trego, Montana, United States
I am a mother of four little ones, and I have a dedicated loving husband who keeps me going. :) I am designing this blog to keep more in touch with my customers and the people who just stumble onto my website. This is where I will post specials going on, and other cool stuff. Be sure to bookmark and come back soon!