Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cowboys and beautiful children

I had the pleasure of doing a senior's portraits before we left for Iowa. I love cowboys! >sigh<

And then a couple of our dear friends are engaged and I was honored to be asked to photograph their wedding! I put in a beautiful picture of them too.

And then while we were in Iowa visiting my beautiful sister, and all of my husband's family and our friends (long sentence here) I got to take some of the children's portraits too! We had a blast and it was a fast but very full trip. Praise God for keeping us safe and allowing us to have such a wonderful blessed trip.
I have been having a lovely time sniffing and coughing the past two days. I kinda overworked today cleaning the kid's bedroom (yuck) so now I'm taking it easy. yeah.
Everyone have a wonderful week!



Eyectados said...

oh Danella..what a beutufull pics!!!

Anonymous said...

You were in Iowa? You're a photographer? Where have I been? You do great work. Lovely. Let's keep in touch. lwstutz@netins.net

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are amazing my friend. I was so sorry to have missed you when you were here!
I especially love Sophia's photo!

`Tis just little ol' me

`Tis just little ol' me

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Trego, Montana, United States
I am a mother of four little ones, and I have a dedicated loving husband who keeps me going. :) I am designing this blog to keep more in touch with my customers and the people who just stumble onto my website. This is where I will post specials going on, and other cool stuff. Be sure to bookmark and come back soon!